
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Mike and his super look-alikes on the streets of Toronto, October 16, 2012.

From HGTV Canada's Facebook page:
Not sure who to look for in Toronto for the "Spot a Super Holmes Contest" today? Here's a pic of Mike Holmes and the 'Mike-alikes' suited-up in their Super Holmes gear, ready to hit the streets of Toronto. Fans who get their picture taken with them are being entered into a chance to win $5000. The new series Holmes Makes It Right premieres tonight at 9pm ET/PT.

From Mike's Facebook just a couple of minutes ago...

I've hit the streets in Toronto. Come find me!

Photo: I've hit the streets in Toronto. Come find me!

And apparently the crowds in Toronto are out of control!


  1. He's having way too much fun. At least no tights! I can take the cape, but Mike Holmes in tights is where we all draw the line.
