
Monday, November 19, 2012

Project MOHR

I'm not posting this to advocate it or un-advocate it in any way. I oftentimes get a little embarrassed for Mike when people ask him for help because he is only one person, and he can't help everybody. Also, people forget that Mike is a certified contractor... in Canada. Not in the United States. There are laws and and unions and all kinds of things to get around when you work in the trades state to state and province to province, let alone country to country. Unfortunately Mike can't just pick up his tools and go work anywhere he wants, although he'd probably like to and we all wish he could! That said, I found this recent video this morning while doing my daily Mike Holmes internet scavenger hunt. It was well done, and a valiant effort, so I figured I'd share it.

The group who made the video calls themselves Project MOHR "Make Our Holmes Right," and their goal is to raise enough money to bring Mike Holmes to Cleveland, Ohio. They've set up an Indiegogo fundraising account with a goal of $10,000, but it doesn't look like they've raised much so far.

From their YouTube account:

Help us bring Mike Holmes to Cleveland so he can Make our Homes Right!

Unmistakably Premier Homes, a once highly respected home builder, has stuck it's customers with some less that desired workmanship in the Greater Cleveland area. Project MOHR has been started to see if we can get Mike Holmes to leave his native Canada, cross the border, and help us with our problems, like he has done for so many in the Great White North.

Help us out by spreading the word via Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit, about our fundraising campaign on!

Link to Fundraising page:
Link to Website:
Link to Mistakably Premier:

Best of luck to you guys! Again, not sure if what you're asking for is legally feasible, but you never know. If you never ask, the answer will always be no!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    Thanks for the mention. As you noticed, we haven't been too successful in reaching our goal, but with two days still left, anything is possible. Hopefully, your loyal readers will help spread the word.

    Thanks again!
