
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Case of the Shingles

Yesterday was the US premiere of Mike's latest show, Holmes Makes It Right. It's been a long wait, as the show officially premiered in Canada in October of 2012. US fans have been real troopers and in my opinion haven't been given the proper credit and thanks they deserve for putting up with ever-changing tentative dates, a void in communication, and what some have perceived to be a lack of sincere interest in US fans. It's been quite the bumpy ride for loyal US fans these last ten months, but for all those who have been brave enough to hold on, the payoff has been sweet.

As I've said a couple of times now, I cheated a little bit and found some episodes of Holmes Makes It Right online last November and watched them for the purposes of reviewing the show for the Holmes Spot, so neither the show nor the episode "A Case of the Shingles" was 100 percent new to me. Being the avid fan that I am, I'm suffering from a severe case of deja vu on Mike's facebook page and website (just go back to October of last year, and you'll see why). A lot of repeated content that's new for probably many of Mike's Facebook followers, but a familiar echo to the loyal fans. Fortunately though, with the US premiere of Holmes Makes It Right, the Holmes Group appears to have reserved some content for this very day. The promos may be repeats, but a few new behind the scenes photos have been posted via Mike's Facebook page. They're either new, or perhaps I just don't remember seeing them, in which case, they're new to the Holmes Spot! There's also a contest on the Holmes Makes It Right Facebook page for a bucket of Holmes swag. It's open to both the US and Canada residents, excluding Quebec. Poor Quebec.

The promo:

Pictures from Mike's Facebook pages:

Photo: Tonight on the U.S.A. premiere of Holmes Makes It Right - Mike and his crew re-design and re-build a bad roof for a family who have been fighting off leaks for over 40 years!

Photo: Mike Holmes sure knows how to make thinks right for homes and people's safety!

Photo: For behind the scenes photos, Mike's personal notes and products and supplier lists from tonight episode of Holmes Makes It Right - visit:

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