
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mike Holmes Partners up with Mason Homes

Mike Holmes Approved Homes has a new builder to add to its growing list. Today it was announced that Mason Homes has become a Holmes Approved builder. In this short video, Mike explains why this Ontario builder meets and exceeds his standards for quality craftsmanship in home building by building better healthier homes built right from the ground up.



  1. Wow Mike, did you talk to any actual homeowners before making this decision. I'm on my 2nd Mason Home. First one was okay (many years ago), second one (recent) has been an all round nightmare and Mason Homes does not care one iota. First windy day and basement window blew out because someone forgot to screw it in. Just one in a long list!

  2. Why Mason not putting tar paper under the shingles if their homes are supposed to be
    built above code? Also no ice shield. Lindsay Clover Lea subdivision. Why are they still
    using crappy aspenite on floors? I'm sure it's a money thing. Maybe Mike should come and
