It was also announced that the US and beyond would NOT be getting the new series in October. For those outside of Canada, the new series will be airing sometime in "early 2013," according to the announcement. So... in the US, I'm guessing that means a mid March or maybe April release date??? I say that because that's usually when new series come out in the US. Of course, being that HGTV is not a major network like ABC, CBS, or FOX, they might have their own timetable for new series release dates. I'm just speculating, as I'm not exactly sure what "early 2013" means, and I haven't read anything definitive yet. It could mean January, or it could mean something much later than that. All I know is that it's a bummer and a half that we have to wait so long to see the new series! Mike's not just a Canadian superhero, his superpowers belong to the world! Get with it HGTV Canada!!! [/speculative rant]
So anyhow, in the meantime, to tide all of us over as we wait, I figured I'd just post some of the pictures Mike posted on the Facebook page from the new show, complete with bonus Holmes Spot commentary, which is usually just my own silly fangirlish dreck. (Oh, and by the way, everything is "hot" today. Well... almost everything.) Enjoy!
Mike at work. That's hot. (Well, actually cold, since they all appear to be wearing winter wearing coats.)
Mike on a roof. Love the harness. Safety...totally hot.
Not a picture of Mike, but still pretty hot. Don't fall guys! That wouldn't be very hot.
Come on guys, get that pole up! Hot.
Mike with his big hammer. Hot.
Bluwood... won't mold or rot. Totally hot.
What a good looking bunch... dig the pink respirator! Super hot.
Two Mikes for the price of one. Hot and hot.
Not being able to see the new series until 2013??? Totally NOT hot :(
In fact, it's downright cold!
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