"My favourite Thanksgiving memory…it would be my mom, my dad, my grandmother, my grandfather, and all of the family on the Bell’s side (my mom's side) meeting at grandma and grandpa’s house. And there was so much food. I mean mashed potatoes, turkey, ham—too much food. My favourite? Stuffing. And then the family would play poker afterwards while we (the kids) watched TV." - Mike Holmes from Holmes Makes it Right.
Photo of Mike Holmes at 2-years-old, courtesy of Mike Holmes' Facebook.

"I guess my favourite Thanksgiving memory would be getting together with my whole family while my mom cooks a Jiggs dinner. It’s an East Coast dinner with salt beef, cabbage, potatoes…and turkey!" - Mike Holmes Jr. from Holmes Makes it Right.
"My favourite Thanksgiving memory...kind of difficult to think of one. But, since my family is from Newfoundland, my favourite thing about it is making a Jiggs dinner with my mom. It’s the best kind of food!" - Sherry Holmes from Holmes Makes it Right.
How did Mike kick off his holiday weekend? With a game of pool! From Mike's Facebook page:

Last but certainly not least, SOS Children's Villages, a charity Mike has been involved with for 10 years, put out this beautiful video and made Mike a photo book thanking Mike Holmes for all of his service to the organization. The video features children benefited by the donations Mike has helped raised saying "Thank you Mike!" in their own languages. For more information about Mike's involvement in SOS Children's Villages, see Mike Holmes for SOS Children's Villages International.

To learn more about SOS Children's Villages Canada go to their site: http://www.soschildrensvillages.ca/
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